After Sales

Tactical Wireless Ltd (TWL) is an SME managed by a team of experienced business managers .We recognise that Post Delivery Support is an essential aspect of the contractual arrangement between TWL and its customers.
TWL envisages that larger customers will require contractual service level commitment and that TWL commits to Post Delivery Support standards including:
- Response time to a request for support
- Response time to effect that support
- Mean time to repair
- Reliability in terms of, for example, “x” failures per 1000 hours of total system operation
Not all customers will have the same availability criteria.
All equipment comes with a basic quick start guide for hardware and configuration that will be available online for all.
All other training and support materials will require registration and approval by TWL. Customers will have access via a secure route, with the appropriate authentication protection.
Base product training Manuals will be available online for every type of system. Where a custom unit has been provided these will be adapted to meet specific system configurations and customer formatting.
Manuals for the standard products will be translated into a number of languages on a case by case basis. Manuals for customised systems will be translated, on a commercial basis, for those customers who do not work in English.
Training will be provided for registered trainers. The training materials are provided to those registered individuals for onward dissemination within the customer’s user group.
Base training materials will consist off sample Microsoft PowerPoint presentations for:
- Product and technology overview
- Product setup
- Getting the most out of the product
When requested, or if there has been a major system change, the training materials will be revised and propagated to the registered trainer community.
- TWL will only release proven, stable versions of software/firmware[1] which it has established are compatible with each customer’s release of Windows. The version of Windows used must be under support by Microsoft.
- TWL will work in accordance with the IT and update policies of customers where those exist and are known to TWL.
- TWL does not envisage that it will be responsible for the actual update procedure for the following reasons:
- It may conflict with the customer’s operational tasks
- It may conflict with the customer’s security policies
- It will not be possible on a worldwide basis to negotiate system by system update time frames.
[1] TWL will not accept responsibility for any unauthorised software added by the customer or unauthorised changes made to software/firmware
Good software suppliers routinely ensure that their software is as bug-free and secure as possible. Updating of software and firmware is an important aspect of system reliability and security.
For registered customers who are under warranty, or under an SLA, TWL will review software and firmware updates on a regular basis for their products and circulate the same to the registered email address. Please ensure you provide an email address that is monitored. If this email address should change please advise us.
All of TWL’s systems which incorporate computing of some form use a Windows or Linux Operating System.
Where necessary these OS will be licensed by TWL.
TWL recognises that OS configuration and updates are sensitive within the IT departments of all many organisations.
- Where a customer requires that unit runs a version of the supplied operating system, other than the core basic Windows or Linux that comes with the unit, please contact TWL support. The version of Windows or Linux used must be under support by the supplier.
- Where an existing unit with a customer needs to change OS for some reason please contact TWL.
- TWL endeavours to ship units with the latest relevant patches. Where a unit has to be patched for internal customer reasons then the customer should check the units functionality before and after patching. Where there is an issue with a units functionality after patching please log a support call with TWL.
- Customers should not add any functionality to the OS setup other than the configuration supplied by TWL.
- Customers may load products, such as endpoint protection, to a device. Where this is the case TWL does not stand over any performance values as the impact of such products varies greatly based on supplier and configuration.
Smaller customers which do not have IT departments, or the skills necessary to carry out updates, will be treated on a customer by customer basis as a separate operation on a commercial basis.
It is the customer's responsibility to back up any device with an OS. Please note the section in Returns regarding data loss.
The suppliers of proprietary software have their own support procedures which TWL will link to.
For example TWL’s video management software, Crossfire, has been developed by Vaytek and has been in extensive use in the US for around 8 years. TWL has exclusive distribution rights for Crossfire outside of NAFTA and the relationship between TWL and Vaytek is a partnership arrangement. Accordingly, TWL will provide Crossfire support to its customers.
TWL is aware that many of its products and systems are intended for use in mission critical applications and that Return To Base (RTB) is not necessarily an acceptable operational option. For these customers, TWL will offer options including:
- No quibble exchange
- Customer held spare systems
- Customer held spare sub-systems
- 24 x 7 courier based delivery
- Embedded technical support personnel[1]
Naturally each of these has a cost attached and that cost will be contingent on several factors including:
- Location
- Required response time
- Required return to operation time
- Complexity of the system
Some customers have well trained technical staff and well equipped maintenance facilities. It is possible that that type of customer may elect to maintain operational capability by swapping hardware in the field. Some may decide to maintain at sub-system level. These are options which TWL will support by training and a system of stock control of spares held on the customer site.
[1] This option only applies where it is safe for our staff to operate, in accordance with FCO guidelines.
Although TWL’s standard systems do not normally embody moving parts and so do not require routine servicing, there are potentially aspects of bespoke systems design which might require routine inspection / updating in the workshop.
These might include:
- Tropicalisation treatments
- Weatherproofing seals
- Battery exchange
- Antenna connections
- Fans and filters